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This Course is Exclusively Designed for Beginner Level Enthusiasts Students for Exploring the Field of Robotics and Innovation through Live Workshops and Projects



Level: Beginner /
No of Classes: 5 /
Session Type: Live

Course Content

    • Introduction To Robotics and Its Applications 00:00:00
    • Components Required To Build A Robot 00:00:00
    • Introduction To Arduino And Other Microcontroller 00:00:00
    • Project: LED Blinking with Arduino 00:00:00
    • Introduction to Sensors and Its uses 00:00:00
    • Interfacing Buzzer, RGB LED with Arduino 00:00:00
    • Introduction to programming and How Robots Take Decision 00:00:00
    • Interfacing Switch, LED and Buzzer With Arduino 00:00:00
    • Sensor Interfacing: IR Sensor, LDR Sensor, Accelerometer and Joystick 00:00:00
    • First Robot Project: Object Follower Robot 00:00:00
    • Obstacle Avoidance Robot 00:00:00
    • Edge Avoidance/ Line Follower Robot 00:00:00
    • Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot 00:00:00
    • Bluetooth Controlled Robot 00:00:00
This course is designed for students to explore the field of robotics and innovation from beginner level with live classes.

What Will I Learn ?

  • Introduction to microcontrollers (especially Arduino) and its uses.
  • Understanding of different components required to build a robot or any digital machines in general.
  • Introduction to coding and how can you program your robot.
  • Programming basic components like LEDs, buzzer, motor to programming robots from scratch.
  • This course will give you very clear idea about machines and robots and will encourage you to innovate.

Curriculum for this course

  • Introduction to Robotics and Embedded Systems
  • Introduction to Arduino and other Microcontrollers
  • Types of Arduino and their Features
  • Input Output Pins of Arduino UNO
  • How to Program a Robot ?
  • Project: LED Blinking with Arduino
  • Interfacing Buzzer, RGB LED with Arduino
  • Introduction to programming and How Robots Take Decision
  • Logical Operations, Loops and Decision making in Arduino
  • Interfacing Switch, LED and Buzzer With Arduino
  • Introduction to sensor and its interfacing: IR Sensor, LDR Sensor, Accelerometer, Joystick
  • First Robot Project: Object Follower Robot
  • Building Obstacle Avoidance Robot From Scratch
  • Edge Avoidance/ Line Follower Robot
  • Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot
  • Bluetooth Controlled Robot


  • A computer/Mobile with Internet Access
  • Interest in Robotics/STEM

Course Reviews

  1. pbora8449@gmail.comFebruary 11, 2022 at 6:46 am

    Highly recommend


    This course is really helpful for all. We learn Arduino basis to advance in this course, and teacher is so helpful . My all doubt is clear.

  2. Highly recommended!


    The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand . This course has taught me all basic fundamentals of robotics and Arduino . Thank you so much for the great course.

  3. Great Introduction of Arduino


    it was a very good experience and it was very helpful, they taught about arduino very well

About Instructor

Profile Photo
Faiz Akram
4 years experience in Robotics and automation. 1 Year Research Experience in DRDO Project

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